大型水陸両用掘削機(0.7m³) ICT 設置。大雨、、地震により、発生する液状化に伴う地盤沈下や浸水時に、湿地帯、軟弱地盤、水中でも走行し、作業が出来る。あらゆる水上作業に活躍。浚渫、ガレキ収集、沈船引上げ、解体、ブロック据付、、杭打ち工事、超軟弱地盤自走できる地盤改良機。 Large Amphibious Excavator (0.7m³) ICT Installation.During land subsidence or severe inundation due to liquefaction causes by heavy rain or earthquakes,the amphibious excavator are capable of operating in the wetlands,swams,or even on the water.And these machine are useful for all of water work such as dredger,debris collector,lift the shingking ship,dismantling,block installation,pile driving construction,and as ground improvement machine.